Jnster: the story of an outdoors enthusiast in NYC and wherever he wanders...

Saturday, January 27, 2007

Daily Dilbert

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Tuesday, January 23, 2007


I have had a quite busy social life recently, with the visits of Nicolas from France, Eglantine (and her colleagues from London), Danny (from LA and Spain). And I also met with the Wallaces from France and Aurelie from Japan.
I don't have too many pictures, still waiting for those from Eglantine.

This week is a special restaurant week in NYC, I'd like to go eat in some nice place. Usually fancy restaurants are way too expensive, but this time we don't have to get into debt for haute cuisine.

At the end of next week, I'm flying to Denver to spend 4 days skiing in Colorado, being invited to stay with Richard and his parents. Actually, I have not skied in two years, how incredible? The last winter I spent in France I went skiing 19 times! Anyway, this is a kind of a dream vacation, for when you;re used to ski in Europe, the Rockies snow quality is legendary. Let's see ;-) I should get plenty of pictures this time!

And here's a nice little video I found yesterday (I felt as happy as the little boy just watching it). I really like the tune, and the video depicts some familiar US landmarks. There are indeed some great places to visit in the US.
Somebody told me the music was used for Star Academy in France. I don't care, I've never watched that stupid show anyway ;-)

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Tuesday, January 09, 2007

I neeeeeed one!

No comment...


Monday, January 08, 2007

New York moments (VF)

Le WE dernier a ete tres sympa, avec plusieurs sorties dans le village, le long de l'Hudson et a Harlem, avec Katia, Braloo, Eric et Nicolas. Soiree memorable au St Nick's pub, un peu "Freak show" avec beaucoup d'impro: l'homme qui se prend pour Ray Charles, un clone guitariste de Stevie Wonder avec des ongles de 10cm de long, la serveuse qui vient chanter "A love supreme", puis un groupe de Jazz africain qui a chauffe la salle a blanc. C'etait assez enorme, d'autant que Nico et moi etions au premier rang!

Et dimanche matin Nico m'a force a aller courir a Central Park. Aie, premier footing en 4 mois :-) et oui ca passe vite, la derniere fosi que j'ai couru, c'etait le marathon! Bon, ca s'est bien passe, mais aujourdhui, j'ai des courbatures partout!

Et oui c'est deja lundi, et j'ai experimente pas mal de "New York Moments": essayons de voir si j'arrive a transcrire ca par ecrit.

Deja, plantons le decor: aujourdhui c'etait alerte au gaz generalisee a Manhattan. Pas du cote de mon bureau, mais de nombreux autres on ete evacues, a casuse d'une dorte odeur de gaz dans la rue et les batiments. Et aucue cause n'a ete trouvee. Personne n'etait tres rassure ce matin. Deja que l'annee derniere ca avait senti le sirop d'erable pendant plusieurs heures et que personne n'avait compris pourquoi.... Y'a des fois on se demande ce qu'on fait ici, tous entasses sur cette ile bizzare ou l'on a l'impression que personne ne controle rien...

Une autre grande aventure ce matin fut ma premiere visite a un cabinet de dentistes ce cote ci de l'Atlantique. Apres 2 ans ici, il etait temps. D'ailleurs ma tentiste (francophone, ca fait moins peur qd on part vers un territoire inconnu) m'a trouve plusieurs caries :-S
1h15 plus tard, apres plusieurs radios, une bonne seance de nettoyage etune carie en moins, je passe a la caisse. Meme si je fais partie des "privilegies" qui ont une assurance sante, j'ai qd meme du debourser $170, a cause du deductible, l'espece de franchise annuelle de $150 sur les soins. Le prochain plombage ne me coutera "que" $50. Ouch, j'ai failli m'etrangler quand j'ai appris qu'un plombage coutaint $250! Bon en tous cas, j'y retourne lundi prochain pour la suite des festivites, la dentiste est tres sympa et je suis deja tres soulage de savoir que ma plus grosse carie a ete aneantie!
Je suis quand meme pas tres malin. j'aurais pu y aller en France il y a 2 semaines...

En sortant du bolout ce soir, je passe a la poste de Grand Central pour poster les cartes postales que Nicolas n'a pas eu le temps d'envoyer avant de sauter dans son avion (en + ca sera la classe le tampon "Grand Central, New York City"; et je passe par la gare pour prendre le metro. C'est toujours tres beau, avec les illuminations, mais ce soir encore plus, avec une guitariste qui chantait Summertime dans les couloirs. Ca fait un peu cliche, mais c'etait superbe!

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Wednesday, January 03, 2007


i just came back from France, where I spent 1 week between Christmas and New Year. It was a great respite from all the time I spent I work in December. A last minute decision and a well deserved break!

The main purpose of the trip was to spend time with Elise and my family, but in addition to that, I am very happy as I managed to meet with friends I had not seen in a long time (DarkSeb & Elo, Julien & Caro).
The drawback was that I spent Christmas eve in the plane and that, due to to jet lag, I was not in a party mood for New Year's eve in Central ark at midnight (the Fireworks were pretty nice though). But why complaining, I had a nice Christmas lunch on the 25th instead and a birthday celebration on the 26th :-)

Happy New Year to everyone: below is a picture of the Jacques Cartier bridge I got from the Montreal Marathon organizing comittee. It reminded me of how much Elise and I enjoyed 2006. Not sure we'll be able to do as much in 2007:

- South American Trip in Jan/Feb, including the ascent of Lascar (5400m)
- Las Vegas, Death Valley & Red Rock Trip in March
- A 3 day climbing trip To NH in May
- 2 weeks in France in July, with a lot of climbing
- My first marathon, in Montreal, in September
- Another visit to Las Vegas, Red Rock and Zion National Park in September
- A first visit to the Southern US in October
- A week in France and around Geneva in December. The picture album is below, click on the the boats to open it:

On top of that, a lot of friends visited us for short visits in NYC. We are quite lucky, I think we're kind of living a good life!

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