Jnster: the story of an outdoors enthusiast in NYC and wherever he wanders...

Tuesday, November 22, 2005

Turkey day is approaching!

SkyTrain in Bangkok, as seen in the NY Times. Isn't that amazing?

Anyway, no link but.....This is going to be my first Thanksgiving, as I arrived in the US last year right after turkey day.

I'm quite excited as it seems to be a big thing for tradition, get together dinners and shoooping!

Apparently, the day after thanksgiving, nicknamed black friday is going to be MAD. People flock to the stores for discounts like you've been dreaming of. Well, we'll see...
We'll have the traditional turkey at Jen's place, who has kindly invited us!

Last week end we went to NJ to celebrate Katia's phD and meet her newly adopted cat: Plume. We also went for anticipated shopping session at the Jackson, NJ outlet village. Good bargains again, ahh, I shouldn't spend too much time at those places :-S. Oh well... At least now I have real comfy high tech Nike sneakers to run the marathon next year :-)

Yesterday, Jen proposed us to meet at this bar in the Lower East Side: Living room. There was a jazz/blues/country concert from a guy of which I had never head of: Jesse Harris. The place was small, unpretentious and rather crowded, and the music excellent. It was a great unexpected surprise. Jen expleined me that Jesse wrote several songs for Norah Jones, won a grammy award for one of those, and that the Living Room is the place where Norah Jones played countless times before becoming famous. How inspring! Ayway if you like Norah Jones music, you'll probably enjoy Jesse Harris, which is a bit more rock, but with southern rythms...


Monday, November 14, 2005

Super Active

I've had a rather boring week at work, even if I usually like to say I'm never bored in life, I think this job is starting a bit too boring for me... Not intellectually challenging enough I think.

Anyway, I found two solutions:
1) Do more sport. This was badly needed as I had quite eased on running after running the Manhattan Half Marathon.

2) Continue my computer strategy game of Colonization, one of the greatest games of all time, with cheesy graphics and music from the early 90s. Of course, I play late at night. Ok, I'm a geek, but there's nothing to be ashamed of: I haven't really played a video game for almost a year, and I'm sure this crisis will end soon ;-)

So 1) led me to running in Central Park again as in the good old times. The weather is perfect at the moment: sunny and not cold.
I also made another trip to the Gunks, with Tom and climbed one level harder, I am now able to lead solid 5.5. Tom proposed to make this contest with Richard, him and I: the first of us who will lead 5.8 will win... something that hasn't been determined. They are already at 5.6/5.7, so I have to train more... I have decided that I would try to lead one route in the overhanging section each time I'm going to MPHC.

My next Gunks climb? (The Dangler / 5.9+)

So, lot of sport for the Week end, followed by a brunch with Katia and Braloo at Turkuaz, a Turkish restaurant I like a lot in the Upper West Side. As usual when eating with Braloo, I ate too much. This time it was even my only meal of the day.... But it's so delicious that you want to eat the whole buffet. We had a long walk in colorful Central Park after this massive meal...

I'd recommend this brunch to Mona, a new york food blogger, who writes interesting reviews about NYC restaurants and also comments on my blog ;-) Thanks, I'm like all bloggers, every little comment makes me happy :-)

I'll finish with a nice picture of our street that I found on Google. W89th st from (Riverside) Park to (Central) Park: Isn't NYC green?

Monday, November 07, 2005

The jazz band at 83rd and 1st Ave

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Save the rhinos!!

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Endless crowd and sweat on 1st avenue

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Supporting the Irish on 1st avenue

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24 miles banner

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The reservoir in Central Park

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Wooden bridge in Central Park

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A few marathon runners in Central Park

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Sunday, November 06, 2005

Aie aie

Et oui ca fait beaucoup de temps que je n'ai pas update le blog.
Est ce parce que je trouve qu'il est trop difficile d'ecrire dans un style agreable et interessant en anglais? Je ne sais pas, mais pour l'instant je vais ecrire un ou plusieurs de ces posts en bon Francais.

Depuis la derniere fois, pas mal de choses se sont passees, avec notamment la visite de ma maman, son mari et ma petite soeur Chloe pour une semaine a New York. Pour leur premiere visite outre Atlantique (sauf Max), ils se sont pas mal debrouilles je trouve, surtout sachant qu'ils ne se sentent pas a l'aise dans les (grandes) villes. En tous cas je me suis fait gater.

On en a profite pour aller a l'escalade aux Gunks, pour une fois qu'il faisait beau un WE et qu'on etait disponibles. Avec Eux + Elise + Richard et Tom, ce n'est plus une voiture qu'il a fallu louer, mais un minivan :-) On en a comme d'habitude profite pour faire des "affaires" a Rock 'n Snow New Paltz. Cette fois il y avait meme une grande braderie et j'ai achete un set de "nuts", des coinceurs quoi. Tom a encore devalise le magasin: une corde, des chaussons, un t shirt Prana :-)

Bref j'etais tres content de les voir, c'est tjrs sympa de voir sa famille, surtout dans un endroit un peu "exotique" ;-)

Lundi c'etait Halloween, bien marrant, avec les ptits nenfants qui vont vraiment faire le porte a porte aux cris de Trick or Treat, comme dans les films. Population bien melangee dans le quartier entre les parents deguises et les juifs en grande barbe et grand chapeau. Au bureau, tout le monde se souhaite Happy Halloween!

Mardi il y aussi eu l'anniversaire d'Elise, fete dignement au resto Francais, mais bon elle raconte ca mieux que moi....

Et enfin ce WE ci, c'etait le fameux marathon de New York. Ah j'etais ravi d'aller y assister. 35000 participants, 2 millions de spectateurs dans les rues. Ouah, j'ai ete tres impressionne par toute cette foule. Je me suis d'abord rendu a Central Park, ou j'ai vu les "bons", qui ne devaient pas avoir plus de 20-30 min de retard sur le vainqueur du jour Paul Tergat (recordman du monde et multi medaille olympique), puis je me suis rendu de l'autre cote de la ville, sur la premiere avenue. La il y avait grand foule qui defilait continuellement, avec tous les "amateurs", qui avaient facilement 1h30 de retard sur les bons, puisqu'il leur restait a remonter tout au nord de Spanish Harlem, faire un petit tour dans le Bronx et redescendre par Harlem avant d'entrer dans Central Park. Bcp bcp de monde, un public tres encourageant, et surtout des coureurs et des supporters de tous les pays du monde, ou presque. Pas mal de Francais d'ailleurs.... Ambiance tres bon enfant, les coureurs s'arretent et demandent aux flics de les prendre en photo, les aveugles se font porter par les cris de la foule, la famille qui se dechaine au passage du papa en sueur, l'orchestre qui met encore un peu plus d'ambiance, et presque tous les runners qui arborent leur nom et leur pays sur leur t-shirt... Vaut le coup d'etre vu et surtout ca me donne vraiment envie d'y prendre part, ici ou ailleurs.... Qq photos a venir