Climbing Trip 2006 #2: Rumney, NH
We took advantage of the beautiful weather and drove to Rumney in New Hampshire for a 3 day climbing trip!
Memorial day is the first public holiday that is officially recognized by my company since... new year's day I think. Taking a 3day week end without "using" any vacation feels pretty good already.
Plus, the climbing was great. Rumney is quite renown in the Northeast as a top notch sport climbing place. Tom had been speaking about this spot for quite a while.
We went there with Elise, Corinne, Tom, Guy and Anton from New York, while Ben came from upstate NY and David and Mathilde joined from Montreal. Quite a big group.
Tom, Ben, David and I led in the 5.10 range (we even made a little friendly competition in the 5.11 level, and I lost), while the girls made an homogenous group and were able to lead most of their routes.
I have started recording my ascents in, an interesting community website Richard told me about. That kind of motivates me to climb hard! Technically speking, my hardest route is still in Red Rock, even though I have the feeling I climbed very hard in Rumney. East coast/west coast grades discrepencies, we could debate forever...
The rental car we were attributed by Budget was a flashy yellow sporty Chevy Cobalt and... for the first time in the US I was stopped by the police for speeding. I'm still not used to these 30mph speed limits on straightforward roads... I didn't get any ticket, just a warning.
People in New Hampshire seem to be very very tight with the law, even though their state motto is "Live Free or Die". I really don't understand what they mean... The grocery store refused to sell alcohol to those who did not have a US driving license: "your passport could be fake" they said. When you live in Manhattan, you definitely know nothing about the rest of America...
Memorial day is the first public holiday that is officially recognized by my company since... new year's day I think. Taking a 3day week end without "using" any vacation feels pretty good already.
Plus, the climbing was great. Rumney is quite renown in the Northeast as a top notch sport climbing place. Tom had been speaking about this spot for quite a while.
We went there with Elise, Corinne, Tom, Guy and Anton from New York, while Ben came from upstate NY and David and Mathilde joined from Montreal. Quite a big group.
Tom, Ben, David and I led in the 5.10 range (we even made a little friendly competition in the 5.11 level, and I lost), while the girls made an homogenous group and were able to lead most of their routes.
I have started recording my ascents in, an interesting community website Richard told me about. That kind of motivates me to climb hard! Technically speking, my hardest route is still in Red Rock, even though I have the feeling I climbed very hard in Rumney. East coast/west coast grades discrepencies, we could debate forever...
The rental car we were attributed by Budget was a flashy yellow sporty Chevy Cobalt and... for the first time in the US I was stopped by the police for speeding. I'm still not used to these 30mph speed limits on straightforward roads... I didn't get any ticket, just a warning.
People in New Hampshire seem to be very very tight with the law, even though their state motto is "Live Free or Die". I really don't understand what they mean... The grocery store refused to sell alcohol to those who did not have a US driving license: "your passport could be fake" they said. When you live in Manhattan, you definitely know nothing about the rest of America...
Ca en fait du monde. Ne serais-tu pas en train de créer insensiblement une antenne de Rando-Alpes, du style "Grimpo-US" ?
Quant au (faux) passeport dans le grocery store, c'est bien fait : au juste, c'est week-end "grimpette" ou "buvette" ???
By Anonymous, at 6/01/2006 3:51 PM
Ouais il prend du grade p'tit gourou !
By Anonymous, at 6/01/2006 5:22 PM
Hehe. En fait on etait un poil trop nombreux. Il faut se motiver a chaque instant pour eviter l'inertie de groupe...
Mais en contrepartie c'etait vraiment sympa!
Pour l'histoire de l'alcool, c'est juste l'attitude inflexible "this is the law" qui m'a fait hallucine. La biere je m'en fous, c'est pas moi l'alcoolique de la bande. Je ne citerai pas de noms, mais y'en a un qui a sacrifie quantite et qualite de nourriture pour acheter plus de bieres ;-)
By Jn, at 6/01/2006 5:40 PM
Et les flics ne t'ont rien dit sur le fait que tu n'avais pas encore de permis de conduire US ?
By Anonymous, at 6/02/2006 7:38 PM
Sans rire, ils ne savent meme pas ouvrir le passeport a la bonne page entre la fiche d'identite et le visa alors le permis US...
By Jn, at 6/02/2006 7:51 PM
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