Jnster: the story of an outdoors enthusiast in NYC and wherever he wanders...

Wednesday, March 29, 2006

Planning, thinking

During the last two weeks, we stayed in New York.
We had a nice St Patrick's party at the apartment, and translated the loup garrou game into English :-) And with Braloo around, we had to make our ritual visit to Midtown Comics :-)

We have also had time to explore a couple of new restaurants: Mill Korean near Columbia, very charming atmosphere and "exotic" food, Kapadokya in Brooklyn Heights, an enjoyable second visit to the gargantuesque Japanese buffet at Minado, Tamarind Indian on Amsterdam...

There have been a few discussions at the office to maybe give me a job of more responsibilities, but negociations are tough so I'm not sure what's coming...
And we have also thought about moving so a slighlty bigger apartment, that couldn't hurt. But the apartment market activity is quite low at the moment and we don't seem to be finding anything...
What about moving out of New York and working from home? With my current job that could be totally doable...
Many questions, no answers for the moment... Maybe because there are too many possibilities ;-)

So, what else is in store for the future?
- Trying to organize a climbing week end in New Hampshire
- Looking forward to seeing my friend Gael, who's coming to visit me here. I haven't seen him for more than 1.5 years I think!
- Thinking about the summer: probably one week in France
- Thinking about all those short break locations that we should explore during week ends. Among other ideas : Boston, Quebec (the city), a part of the Adirondacks that we don't know yet, Puerto Rico... Of course we never have enough time...

Conclusion of thinking: it feels good to have a job that pays enough to afford enjoyable vacations or short breaks, and also allows to take enough time off...


  • Trop fort la photo de Midtown Comics ;o) GREAT !

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 3/30/2006 8:27 AM  

  • uh jn i'm so jealous. i have a job that doesn't pay me well and i never get time off from. i'm desperately seeking employment elsewhere. where's that comic store, how have i missed it?
    that last picture is beautiful, where is that from?
    my dream=work and write from home for a living. aaaah!

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 3/30/2006 2:56 PM  

  • Hé bé, ça faisait un peu de temps que j'étais pas venu, il s'en est passé des choses en mon absence ! A peine rentrés du Pérou/Bolivie, je découvre les photos d'un "climbing trip" vraiment excellente... et apprends que le passage en France durera 1 semaine... C'EST TOUT ???!!!

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 4/01/2006 4:13 AM  

  • Mona: how can you not know Midtown comics? I thought you were more a new yorker than me ;-)
    It's a 41st and 7th avenue, I think. Somewhere around Times Square... Look for the Big Superman sticker on the first floor, it can be seen from the street.
    Af for the picture, this one is from Cordillera de la sal, Chile. I'm trying to find a new way to publish my pictures. Flickr, maybe? We'll see what comes out of my experimentations...

    Loic: Et oui on ne peut pas passer 3 semaines en Amerique du Sud e encore autant en France... Quoique peut etre que je pourrais rester un peu plus si je peux continuer a travailler sur place avec Internet. Let's see! On se verra de toutes facons :-)

    By Blogger Jn, at 4/01/2006 3:17 PM  

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