Jnster: the story of an outdoors enthusiast in NYC and wherever he wanders...

Saturday, June 25, 2005

Hiking at Slide Mountain

Last sunday was another awesome hiking day for us.
Thanks to the Columbia Hiking club fanstastic logistics, everything was organized again: minibus, cheap price and two awesome day hike leaders.
We drove tothe Catskills mountains and it took almsot 3 hours this time.
11am is a bit late to start a hike, but still we made it, even if we knew it was going to be verrry long.
First part was a hike up to Winterberg mountain, where the vista was supposed to be beautiful. No luck, this time it was so foggy we saw nothing... Grrr.

But then we hiked longer, to Cornell mountain and finally Slide mountain. As the sky cleared up, we were lucky enough to be rewarded with magnificient views. A lot of green mountains, kind of same shape as the Vosges, but with even more trees, and the moutain range seems bigger.
And there's probably more wilderness too: they have bears, even here!

After Slide mountain, we decided to do the loop, and not to backtrack as we had originally told Mona, the first leader who backtracked with the "non warriors" :-)
After hiking about 16 miles (around 25km), we were back at the car, but Mona wasn't there!! We waited for around an hour and then went to see the rangers, who weren't actually there. We just had to call the police then, who came in 15 minutes and started filing a report for missing person. Meanwhile, we were making ourselves ready to go and rescue her ;-)
Of course, just as we were about to go for more after hours hiking, Mona arrived at the car park ;-) She had just taken her time on the way down. She was all smiling and happy! After all, nothing to worry about and, true, I have to admit, it was our fault as we changed our plans without telling her...

Overall, a very good day hike, with a great group of people, miost of them very sporty, as we walked at a steady pace the whole day!

Next time I might be leading a hike!

This coming sunday, we're going to Long Island, probably to the beach and the Hamptons!!!


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